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Forum Healing the World Through Consciousness of Inversion – 2010

1.43K 0

Forum Healing the World Through Consciousness of Inversion – 2010

1.43K 0

In these difficult times, a light at the end of the tunnel: the discovery of Inversion. We live in times of enormous uncertainty. Climatic upheaval, earthquakes, war and the threat of war, pollution, epidemics, pov...

Psycho-Social Forum 2010

1.44K 0

Psycho-Social Forum 2010

1.44K 0

In these difficult times, a light at the end of the tunnel: the discovery of Inversion. We live in times of enormous uncertainty. Climatic upheaval, earthquakes, war and the threat of war, pollution, epidemics, pover...

The Energy Solution For The New Millennium

1.35K 0

The Energy Solution For The New Millennium

1.35K 0

The Keppe motor, (developed by STOP engineers under the orientation of Norberto Keppe, author of the book The New Physics of Disinverted Metaphysics) captures clean, free and abundant energy which will help solve mank...

The Analytical Trilogy’s Social Justice Initiatives

1.21K 0

The Analytical Trilogy’s Social Justice Initiatives

1.21K 0

An Interview with American Educator, Leonard Burg.

The Decay of the U.S. and the Stock Market Crash – STOP 270

1.11K 0

The Decay of the U.S. and the Stock Market Crash – STOP 270

1.11K 0

Stock Markets are delusional. They are propped up by fantasy money that has little intrinsic value. Speculation leads to inevitable decay as the gambling philosophy discourages productivity, jobs and development. R...

The Current Financial Crisis is Actually Good for the World – STOP 269

1.08K 0

The Current Financial Crisis is Actually Good for the World – STOP 269

1.08K 0

There are no risks for Brazil from the current financial crisis. Actually, this situation is fortuitous for all nations that are now forced to leave speculation behind and return to work. That will bring almost immedi...

A State of the Planet Address – STOP 268

1.45K 0

A State of the Planet Address – STOP 268

1.45K 0

Our world has become a giant shopping mall. The buy and sell mentality has squeezed out arts, culture and civilization. We are pushed to materialism, and become sick as a result. Material interest only (greed) leads t...

It’s Vitally Important for Individuals and Society to Become Conscious of Pathology – STOP 265

1.61K 0

It’s Vitally Important for Individuals and Society to Become Conscious of Pathology – STOP 265

1.61K 0

It’s crucial to become conscious of the hidden attitudes of the human being. The media should help by talking about matters of interest to us – not just what’s relevant to the powerful.Meanwhile, our modern civilizati...

Good People Live to Serve Society; Sick People Live to Attack It – STOP 264

1.26K 0

Good People Live to Serve Society; Sick People Live to Attack It – STOP 264

1.26K 0

Norberto Keppe’s science helps to correct our biggest problems. People do bad things by choice, and this perpetuates defects for generations. Society, however, is essentially good, beautiful and true, and therefore su...

The Science To Help Save The Planet – STOP 263

1.04K 0

The Science To Help Save The Planet – STOP 263

1.04K 0

People are psychically and socially ill. What torments human beings is the fact of seeing how we truly are (seeing our own pathology). Looking at our own selves requires sacrifice, but those who do so immediately feel...