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Tag The ABC of Analytical Trilogy: Integral Psychoanalysis

A more human, fair and beautiful world to live in – STOP 1

1.13K 0

A more human, fair and beautiful world to live in – STOP 1

1.13K 0

This is the first of the series of programs of STOP the Destruction of the World Association. The ABC of Analytical Trilogy: Integral Psychoanalysis This book is a comprehensive explanation of the trilogy which unif...

How to improve the present world – STOP 002

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How to improve the present world – STOP 002

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The main cause of destruction is within the human being. Professor John V. Assumption (chemical engineer and sanitarist - USP) talks about the destructive effects of consumerism and suggests recycling. According to...

The human being rejects what is good – STOP 4

1.01K 0

The human being rejects what is good – STOP 4

1.01K 0

Liberation of the People – The Pathology of the Power In this, his 17th book, Keppe turns his attention to the study of psycho-socio-pathology, specifically the study of the pathology of power and the power-seeke...