How to improve the present world – STOP 002


The main cause of destruction is within the human being. Professor John V. Assumption (chemical engineer and sanitarist – USP) talks about the destructive effects of consumerism and suggests recycling.

According to Dr. Norberto Keppe, today’s society is very consumerist, based on economic power, and not in culture, art, and wisdom of the people. There are alternative forms of clean energy we can use, gasoline is only for certain groups to make money, soon the worlds natural assets will be destroyed. Why not a fairer world?


The ABC of Analytical Trilogy: Integral Psychoanalysis

This book is a comprehensive explanation of the trilogy which unifies science, philosophy and spirituality.

Written in simple everyday language, the author explains the fundamental principles of Analytical Trilogy, a unique methodology created by Norberto Keppe.

Analytical Trilogy studies the psychological roots of illness in individuals and society and treats them through a therapeutic model in individual and group psychoanalysis. Analytical Trilogy is also being successfully applied in language learning, in cooperative living arrangements and in employee owned enterprises.



Liberation of the People – The Pathology of the Power

In this, his 17th book, Keppe turns his attention to the study of psycho-socio-pathology, specifically the study of the pathology of power and the power-seeker.

In his view, “All of our present-day problems can be reduced to one and that is,” he writes, “the way in which social and economic power is being used.”

With extraordinary vision and clarity, this scientific, in-depth analysis explores the relationship between individual and social psychopathology, showing how the abuse of power in our social system has corrupted all facets of human endeavor, from work, to education and science, to the media and the arts.

Essential reading for anyone interested in contributing to a just and balanced society, this book is a dynamic call to action in defense of the basic human values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.