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Viktor Frankl

1.17K 0

Viktor Frankl

1.17K 0

The Real Reasons Human Beings Age

1.37K 0

The Real Reasons Human Beings Age

1.37K 0

At the beginning of the 20th century, two industrialists would profoundly and negatively influence medicine and medical education -- Rockfeller

Mankind is sick because it is inverted – STOP 197

938 0

Mankind is sick because it is inverted – STOP 197

938 0

Social pathology begins with the individual. Discover how the virtual economy is neither based on work, gold nor goodness; it is based on the stock market and commodities and the sale of something that doesn't exist, ...

Economy – STOP 98

1.24K 0

Economy – STOP 98

1.24K 0

The energy solution for the new millennium – STOP 225

864 0

The energy solution for the new millennium – STOP 225

864 0

The Keppe motor, (developed by STOP engineers under the orientation of Norberto Keppe, author of the book The New Physics of Disinverted Metaphysics) captures clean, free and abundant energy which will help solve mank...

Present-Day Dangers for Civilization – STOP 218

609 0

Rainer Dahenhardt

1.14K 0

Rainer Dahenhardt

1.14K 0

Sanity in the Midst of Horror (part 3 of 3)

972 0

Sanity in the Midst of Horror (part 3 of 3)

972 0

On Sept. 16, 2001, a few days after 9-11, renowned Brazilian psychotherapist, Dr. Norberto Keppe, sat with Canadian broadcaster, Richard

Destruction caused by stock market – STOP 175

730 0

The Analytical Trilogy’s Social Justice Initiatives

1.21K 0

The Analytical Trilogy’s Social Justice Initiatives

1.21K 0

An Interview with American Educator, Leonard Burg.