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Interviews with north americans in New York

814 0

Interviews with north americans in New York

814 0

Cause of Disease is Inside Part 1

944 0

Cause of Disease is Inside Part 1

944 0

Dr. Keppe's huge contribution to medical science lies in his proof that disease is not external -- as Pasteur stated -- but inside.

Envy lies behind all human and social problems – STOP 25

1.02K 0

Envy lies behind all human and social problems – STOP 25

1.02K 0

The STOP World Destruction program #(25) addresses the issue of Envy, which in the psychoanalytic sense is the attitude of human beings spoiling the good that is in their lives and in the lives of others. There is an ...

The Primary Cause of Disease is Inside – STOP 258

1.12K 0

The Primary Cause of Disease is Inside – STOP 258

1.12K 0

Dr. Keppe’s huge contribution to medical science lies in his proof that disease is not external – as Pasteur stated – but inside. Pasteur’s error brought us the mania of pasteurization, the poisoning of agrotoxics, th...

Program STOP the Destruction of the World – 24

751 0

Jeremy Corbyn

1.20K 0

Jeremy Corbyn

1.20K 0

TV Program NY 32 – 35, 1984

834 0

TV Program NY 32 – 35, 1984

834 0

The Decay of the U.S. and the Stock Market Crash – STOP 270

1.11K 0

The Decay of the U.S. and the Stock Market Crash – STOP 270

1.11K 0

Stock Markets are delusional. They are propped up by fantasy money that has little intrinsic value. Speculation leads to inevitable decay as the gambling philosophy discourages productivity, jobs and development. R...

Who is destroying the planet? – STOP 198

853 0

Who is destroying the planet? – STOP 198

853 0

But before we can answer that we have to look at individuals and discuss how they are destroying themselves and how this contributes to destroying the planet. Our aim is to provide people with access to psycho-socio-t...

The fantasy in which the human being lives – STOP 90

1.01K 0