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The “Correct Society.” If we are conscious of problems we can correct them in a healthy manner. The society which doesn’t accept to be good, beautiful and true is in decay. Every illness stems from bad thoughts and co...
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The program speaks about how the phenomena of nature are influenced not only by human action, but also by thoughts and feelings, both in positive and negative sense. Know why energy constitues the essence.
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The principle purpose of the STOP program is to help the human being see the errors he commits that effect his happiness. To help him to interiorize and perceive that he already has within himself everything he needs ...
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Human beings are inverted. Because of that, they walk into self-destruction. Our instincts are connected to life, but due to an inversion in our will, which stems from envy, we adopt an attitude against what is good,...
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Japanese scientist Masaro Emoto demonstrated how psychic life alters the composition of water molecules. Doctor Keppe adds to his research saying that the same occurs in the blood. When a person has bad thoughts the b...
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Analytical Trilogy - Integral Psychoanalysis - TV Program NY 36 a 39 - 1984