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“All truth lies within the human being: our job is to let it spring” – STOP 141

982 0

1st World Congress of Logotherapy, San Diego, California, 1980

816 0

A Call to Action – Liberation of the People from the Pathology Power

1.35K 0

A Call to Action – Liberation of the People from the Pathology Power

1.35K 0

Work, as it is structured today, is immoral; it serves immoral causes. Yet the people are not aware of this.

A Call to Action – Liberation of the People from the Pathology Power

857 0

A Call to Action – Liberation of the People from the Pathology Power

857 0

Work, as it is structured today, is immoral; it serves immoral causes. Yet the people are not aware of this. In fact, any person who works to serve a powerful institution is doing his part in allowing the sickest indi...

A more human, fair and beautiful world to live in – STOP 1

1.16K 0

A more human, fair and beautiful world to live in – STOP 1

1.16K 0

This is the first of the series of programs of STOP the Destruction of the World Association. The ABC of Analytical Trilogy: Integral Psychoanalysis This book is a comprehensive explanation of the trilogy which unif...

A Social and Economic Paradise is Possible – STOP 247

1.03K 0

A Social and Economic Paradise is Possible – STOP 247

1.03K 0

Work doesn’t only bring prosperity, but health, intelligence and balance. True work – work linked to goodness, truth and beauty can bring enormous equilibrium to society and people. Here’s how we can bring peace, tran...

A State of the Planet Address – STOP 268

1.48K 0

A State of the Planet Address – STOP 268

1.48K 0

Our world has become a giant shopping mall. The buy and sell mentality has squeezed out arts, culture and civilization. We are pushed to materialism, and become sick as a result. Material interest only (greed) leads t...

A Warning About The State of The Planet Today – STOP 245

1.20K 0

A Warning About The State of The Planet Today – STOP 245

1.20K 0

This program warns about the great dangers we face because of the destructiveness of the human being. It touches on the dangers faced by all nations and what the correct conduct should be for politicians, entrepreneur...

Adolfo Pérez Esquivel

970 0

Adolfo Pérez Esquivel

970 0

All goodness comes from man’s inner life – STOP 180

795 0

All goodness comes from man’s inner life – STOP 180

795 0

The human being has a sick inner life and is turning humanity into a mass of sick people. We do not live only in the material world. Our world is much larger than we think, because it is mainly transcendental. We live...