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Disease Originates from Psychological Factors – Not From and Attack by Outside Viruses or Bacteria – STOP 250

987 0

Disease Originates from Psychological Factors – Not From and Attack by Outside Viruses or Bacteria – STOP 250

987 0

In fact, the Universe is in vibration and any disturbance of ressonance with this alters these vibrations. That means our emotional lives are the factor that causes disturbance or harmony. Disease, then, both individu...

Western Civilization is at an Impasse – STOP 260

921 0

Western Civilization is at an Impasse – STOP 260

921 0

Sociologists and historians have asked the question for centuries: what would an ideal society be? And how do we build it? Dr. Keppe discusses that today on The Third Millennium – including his proposals for the new s...

The Greatness of Nations and The Basic Perception Needed to Live Well – STOP 224

724 0

The Greatness of Nations and The Basic Perception Needed to Live Well – STOP 224

724 0

Society is sick because it is unethically managed by profits and money is more important than work. Society and human beings are sick because they need psycho social and psycho physical therapy. A country becomes grea...

Know the causes of human suffering – STOP 121

962 0

Know the causes of human suffering – STOP 121

962 0

The human being suffers from not wanting to be good which is the base of their nature. We do not want to follow our own nature (essence) good, beautiful and true, falling into mental, physical and social ills. Accord...

Program STOP the Destruction of the World – 222

796 0

Freedom – Stop program 170 english (with introduction)

2.53K 0

Liberation of the People TV Program 136 – 1987

924 0

Back to our Roots (Part 2 of 2)

1.10K 0

Back to our Roots (Part 2 of 2)

1.10K 0

Gilbert Cambucci gives a compelling lecture of the American Founding Fathers at the World Conference of Analytical Trilogy in San

The Danger of Agrotoxics on our Food – STOP 255

776 0

The Danger of Agrotoxics on our Food – STOP 255

776 0

The great poisoning of our food continues and the laws are in favor of it. Exposing this is one of the reasons our program exists. Today’s program reveals the dangers behind the Codex Alimentarius as well – 170 countr...

The importance of Freud and his psychoanalytic method – STOP 155

617 0