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Disease Originates from Psychological Factors – Not From and Attack by Outside Viruses or Bacteria – STOP 250

999 0

Disease Originates from Psychological Factors – Not From and Attack by Outside Viruses or Bacteria – STOP 250

999 0

In fact, the Universe is in vibration and any disturbance of ressonance with this alters these vibrations. That means our emotional lives are the factor that causes disturbance or harmony. Disease, then, both individu...

Our Societys Most Important Mistakes Os erros da sociedade

998 0

Stop the Destruction of the World – The mistakes of the society

996 0

Stop the Destruction of the World – The mistakes of the society

996 0

The economic and social power is the main cause of suffering humanity, to be in the hands of individuals set

The Real Reasons Human Beings Age – STOP 248

983 0

The Real Reasons Human Beings Age – STOP 248

983 0

At the beginning of the 20th century, two industrialists would profoundly and negatively influence medicine and medical education – Rockfeller and Carnegie. They pushed medicine into Pasteur’s erroneous theory, and mo...

Know the causes of human suffering – STOP 121

980 0

Know the causes of human suffering – STOP 121

980 0

The human being suffers from not wanting to be good which is the base of their nature. We do not want to follow our own nature (essence) good, beautiful and true, falling into mental, physical and social ills. Accord...

Sanity in the Midst of Horror (part 3 of 3)

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Sanity in the Midst of Horror (part 3 of 3)

973 0

On Sept. 16, 2001, a few days after 9-11, renowned Brazilian psychotherapist, Dr. Norberto Keppe, sat with Canadian broadcaster, Richard

“All truth lies within the human being: our job is to let it spring” – STOP 141

964 0

Earth, the illusionary planet – STOP 95

961 0

Earth, the illusionary planet – STOP 95

961 0

The Science of Analytical Trilogy

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The Science of Analytical Trilogy

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A brief presentation for the Science of Analytical Trilogy and Thinking with Somebody Else's Head Radio show.

Keppe – Pre Freud

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Keppe – Pre Freud

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