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Program STOP the Destruction of the World – 91

628 0

Program STOP the Destruction of the World – 107

624 0

Program STOP the Destruction of the World – 74

624 0

Nr1 Analyzing the 1%  –  Obedience to the Truth

623 0

Nr1 Analyzing the 1% – Obedience to the Truth

623 0

Analyzing the 1% - Program Nr. 1: a. a brief description of the science of Analytical Trilogy. b. video clip of analyzing the 1% from Liberty Square. c. excerpt of Dr. Norberto Keppe from STOP TV Program Nr. 262 ...

The importance of Freud and his psychoanalytic method – STOP 155

621 0

Tarsila do Amaral Special – STOP 5

619 0

Tarsila do Amaral Special – STOP 5

619 0

Psychosomatic Medicine – STOP 131

619 0

Psychosomatic Medicine – STOP 131

619 0

Present-Day Dangers for Civilization – STOP 218

612 0

STOP the Destruction of the World TV Program 145

600 0

Nr2 Analyzing the 1%   Thomas Paine Study

547 0

Nr2 Analyzing the 1% Thomas Paine Study

547 0