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Category Arquivo Histórico

Analytical Trilogy – Integral Psychoanalysis – TV Program NY 36 a 39 – 1984

787 0

Analytical Trilogy – Integral Psychoanalysis – TV Program NY 36 a 39 – 1984

787 0

Analytical Trilogy - Integral Psychoanalysis - TV Program NY 36 a 39 - 1984

Poet Paulo Bomfim

873 0

Poet Paulo Bomfim

873 0

Consecrate Russia to Mary for Peace

1.26K 0

Consecrate Russia to Mary for Peace

1.26K 0

Are you spiritual? Do you believe in the energetic power of prayer? If so, this email is for you! Many don't know what the Holy Mother did back in 1917. She made a request to the shepherds in Fatima that has never ...

Interviews with north americans in New York

804 0

Interviews with north americans in New York

804 0

Father Leising

1.26K 0

Father Leising

1.26K 0

TV Program NY 32 – 35, 1984

816 0

TV Program NY 32 – 35, 1984

816 0

Fórum Psico-Social 2010

1.12K 0

Fórum Psico-Social 2010

1.12K 0

Fórum Psico-Social - Curando o Mundo Pela Consciência (Da Inversão) De 13 a 15 de maio de 2010 em São Paulo - SP - Brasil Apoio: Associação STOP a Destruição do Mundo

Rainer Dahenhardt

1.11K 0

Rainer Dahenhardt

1.11K 0

Consagrar a Rússia para Maria pela Paz

1.21K 0

Consagrar a Rússia para Maria pela Paz

1.21K 0

Você é espiritualista? Acredita no poder energético da oração? Então esta mensagem é pra você. Muitos não sabem que a Virgem Maria fez em 1917 um pedido aos pastorinhos em Fátima, que até hoje não foi atendido. ...

A Call to Action – Liberation of the People from the Pathology Power

799 0

A Call to Action – Liberation of the People from the Pathology Power

799 0

Work, as it is structured today, is immoral; it serves immoral causes. Yet the people are not aware of this. In fact, any person who works to serve a powerful institution is doing his part in allowing the sickest indi...