www.keppemotor.com / www.stop.org.br
Its the most significant technological development since the great Serbian inventor, Nikola Tesla, says STOP president, Claudia Bernhardt Pacheco, and it does something he was never able to do usher in a new era of sustainable, clean and inexpensive technology.
Just like solar panels capture energy from the sun, the Keppe Motor captures essential or scalar energy from the vacuum of space, which it turns out is no vacuum at all. Traditional motors block this aspect of the energy field, which accounts for their relative inefficiency. The Keppe Motor is a cold running motor, meaning its more reliable and production costs are low.
The Keppe Motor also needs no oil or gas and much less electricity to run and is completely free of carbon emissions.
It can potentially replace many types of motors, but with less strain on the environment. This makes it immediately useful for combating global warming and reducing pollution,
Veralice Souza: As well, increases in solar flare activity are projected to continue, causing negative impact on telecommunications and worldwide electrical systems. The Keppe Motors technology is significantly less reliant on electricity, which will help humanity unplug from the electrical grid.