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On July 25, 2017, during the 29th Electric, Eletronic, Power and Automation Industry Trade Show (FIEE), Official awarding of 2017 Technological Innovation Power Award.
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In his landmark book, The New Physics Derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics, Dr. Norberto Keppe shows us how the inverted concepts in Physics (as well as biology and psychology) have proposed a totally upside down vi...
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Keppe Motor Technology It was the Trilogy philosophy that spurred the invention of the Keppe motor, primarily by Cesar
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For more information visit www.keppemotor.com.
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Keppe Motor utilizes the discovery of the principal of the capturing of scalar energy as shown in the book The
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Keppe Motor utilizes the discovery of the principal of the capturing of scalar energy as shown in the book The new physics of dis-inverted metaphysics by Norberto Keppe It utilizes the bi-directional, resonant energy ...
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The Keppe motor can be used in many areas where human beings use motors now, except with drastically reduced demands
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The Keppe motor can be used in many areas where human beings use motors now, except with drastically reduced demands