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The relationship between illness in the individual and illness in society – STOP 202

0 0

The relationship between illness in the individual and illness in society – STOP 202

0 0

Consumerism is a serious cause of destruction. Disasters: the number of people affected by natural catastrophes is increasing and how an 8th continent  made of garbage thrown into  the ocean is forming. If the human b...

Nr2 Analyzing the 1%   Thomas Paine Study

523 0

Nr2 Analyzing the 1% Thomas Paine Study

523 0

STOP the Destruction of the World TV Program 145

572 0

Nr1 Analyzing the 1%  –  Obedience to the Truth

580 0

Nr1 Analyzing the 1% – Obedience to the Truth

580 0

Analyzing the 1% - Program Nr. 1: a. a brief description of the science of Analytical Trilogy. b. video clip of analyzing the 1% from Liberty Square. c. excerpt of Dr. Norberto Keppe from STOP TV Program Nr. 262 ...

The inconscientized inner life of the human being is the cause of destruction – STOP 164

594 0

The inconscientized inner life of the human being is the cause of destruction – STOP 164

594 0

The greenhouse effect is a consequence of the greed that comes from inside the individual and  leads him to attack the planet. This destructive atitude leads to chãos. If things in the world are going badly , human be...

Present-Day Dangers for Civilization – STOP 218

594 0

Program STOP the Destruction of the World – 107

595 0

Psychosomatic Medicine – STOP 131

600 0

Psychosomatic Medicine – STOP 131

600 0

The importance of Freud and his psychoanalytic method – STOP 155

603 0

Tarsila do Amaral Special – STOP 5

605 0

Tarsila do Amaral Special – STOP 5

605 0