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Category Arquivo Histórico

Nr1 Analyzing the 1%  –  Obedience to the Truth

619 0

Nr1 Analyzing the 1% – Obedience to the Truth

619 0

Analyzing the 1% - Program Nr. 1: a. a brief description of the science of Analytical Trilogy. b. video clip of analyzing the 1% from Liberty Square. c. excerpt of Dr. Norberto Keppe from STOP TV Program Nr. 262 ...

Nr5 Analyzing the 1 %   Market Economy and Real Economy

689 0

Nr5 Analyzing the 1 % Market Economy and Real Economy

689 0

Analyzing the 1% - Program Nr. 5: a/ An analysis of the pathology inherent in the structures of Capitalism, Marxism and Anarchism. b/ The need to uphold the principles of the Founding Fathers of the U.S. e/ video...

Nr2 Analyzing the 1%   Thomas Paine Study

544 0

Nr2 Analyzing the 1% Thomas Paine Study

544 0

Dr Paulo Gaudêncio, Psychiatrist

1.88K 0

Dr Paulo Gaudêncio, Psychiatrist

1.88K 0

Riccardo Petrella

1.24K 0

Riccardo Petrella

1.24K 0

Interview at a Global Water Contract Event.

Rabi Joseph Saltoun

1.15K 0

Rabi Joseph Saltoun

1.15K 0

Dr Henrique Levy

1.17K 0

Dr Henrique Levy

1.17K 0

Father Leising

1.30K 0

Father Leising

1.30K 0

Artur Zular – Presidente Associação Brasileira de Psicossomática

836 0

Adolfo Pérez Esquivel

940 0

Adolfo Pérez Esquivel

940 0